Monday, November 30, 2009

More footage from the warehouse

Wade, Brian Rosinski (BriRo), The Schenkster and myself hit up the warehouse for some iphone footage and good times. Hope you laugh at this because the footage quality is not the best, but hey, it's an iphone. Everyone should also check out Ryan winning a contest for doing the fastest 360 flip on flat. He got a 20 mph one. That is f'ing gnarly dude. Way to go Ryan! you will always be a toledo homie no matter where you go!

Warehouse lines from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Warehouse line

David filmed it pretty pretty pretty badly though

Warehouse lines from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Wade Tailslide from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.

wade is going to be pretty prevalent on this blog. he gets the most iphone coverage. haha


Shully, originally uploaded by lords of frogtown.

Long time homie!

Wade's gnarly

Wallride, originally uploaded by lords of frogtown.

seriously, give this man a cookie!


skart, originally uploaded by lords of frogtown.

skateboarding makes everything into art. seriously this looks so cool, and anyone who has been to this spot knows that this is gnarly. kudos to the dude above for the make!


Toots, originally uploaded by lords of frogtown.

toots g turn bitches, the toots can do it all!


Wade, originally uploaded by lords of frogtown.


Poo Poo kickflip

Dan "Poo Poo" Poulin from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Skate outside your shop

Just outside just from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.

Going up

Going up, originally uploaded by lords of frogtown.

things are looking up for us. we are going to start the toledo video next fall. we will keep you posted.

Hello all

This is the blog for just skateboards. Here I will post videos of skating around toledo, antics, and other things that are happening around frog-town. Hope you all enjoy it's gonna be ultra fun. Check out some of these other sites as well if you're waiting for epicness. Just. DSM. The DSM video is also set to drop this weekend and it will feature a bunch of michigan homies along with wade, ethan, gaynier, tyler, and myself. So check it out.