and took video of me doing tricks in slo-mo. the only downfall is you can see my underwear...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nate and Friends
Big supporters of broussard and roger over here at LOFT. this is an older video from adio called nate and friends. I thoroughly enjoy it and hope you do too. more filming will be happening soon. To give ourselves an excuse, my back has been hurt pretty bad lately, wade's ankle is rolled, and everyone else that helps with the blog has had a bunch of school stuff to do. We also lost the ability to have a working camera up until about a week ago. so more stuff is sure to come soon. enjoy the video and look forward to our new footage!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
a clip from the national show
I didn't film this, but it's from the show wade, molly, liz, and i attended in Royal Oak Michigan.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
just skateboarding blog
tooters has seen the success of loft! he started a just blog! head here for updates from the shop and all of us here at loft! it's all one big community here in toledo. We are lucky to have a legit shop like just around! let's all show our support and head over there to check everything out!
also we are having the pre go skateboarding day comp/gathering tomorrow and it is at highland park. 4 o'clock is the time it all goes down, but get there early to sign up for skate games, both flat and all park, also the death race around the park. be there!
also we are having the pre go skateboarding day comp/gathering tomorrow and it is at highland park. 4 o'clock is the time it all goes down, but get there early to sign up for skate games, both flat and all park, also the death race around the park. be there!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
spring is in the air
this might be one of the last little videos for a little while, we are pretty focused on the just vid at the moment. so enjoy!
Monday, May 24, 2010
woodpusher memoirs
tylers videos
Woodpusher Memoirs Part 1 from Tyler Stabile on Vimeo.
Woodpusher Memoirs Part 2 from Tyler Stabile on Vimeo.
Woodpusher Memoirs Part 3 from Tyler Stabile on Vimeo.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New stuff friday
Earlier this week the LOFT went to a couple spots and got some more iphone footy. Should be a nice little edit of that footy up hereby friday. Show some love
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
This mothers day, be sure to tune into Coffee with the Fords at 12:30 on ABC. WGTV is interviewing the toots about skateboarding in toledo and the perk, and just. Sure to be full of hilariousness. So check it out and enjoy some tutak attack.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
LOFT in the DSM video
Here is our part from the DSM video. Thanks to Robert Sorich for all the fun times and good skating. enjoy!
wade, ethan, and mitch dsm part from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.
wade, ethan, and mitch dsm part from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wade's 25!
Our boy Wade turned the big 2 5 on saturday! When you see him make sure you call him super old, wish him a happy birthday while you're at it. Also in LOFT news we just found out that justin lecompte has a fallen tattoo. give him shit for that. But then remind him that you're just kidding, you might get punched.
Wade in mono from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.
Wade in mono from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Troy video as promised
Not sure what's gotten into me today, two new posts in under an hour!? Power moves. That's all i have to say. Here is a couple clips of troy that toots filmed with his phone. Good luck Troy!
Spring swing
so filming has been slow because of work, school etc. but school is almost done for the summer so soon the lords of frogtown will return with more videos. As most of you know long time homie and just ripper Troy has gone for basic training in the coast guard. Just want to wish him the best of luck and hope to see him back ripping soon. I'll post some videos of troy that tooters sent me before troy left a little later today. But until then, here is a video that everyone should be hyped on:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Another New National Song
everyone should go here and download the new track"afraid of everyone" now!
everyone should go here and download the new track"afraid of everyone" now!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
so for the whole 2 of you that are wondering about stickers we are getting some ass soon as the toots puts his ass in gear and emails the dude. Then we will have some stickers up at the shop that you can get for free and sticker up places that are worthy of loft stickers. Also just want to let everyone know that we do have a camera now and will most likely be filming for the justoledo video soon. Burt is down which is awesome. Now that i've dropped burt's name and have you attention we will still be doing iphone videos and some are coming up pretty quick. Check out some of the websites linked to this and let me know if you want a website up there. see you soon...
Mitch lovin'
Saturday, March 20, 2010
first day out
here is some footage of the first day that we all went to skate outside. pretty stoked to be pushing down some streets again. spring is here and its only gonna get better so come in to the shop, get some shit, and enjoy the weather. stay hyped toledo!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
just edit dudes
here is the video everybody. most likely gonna be the last from in the shop. enjoy it, or die.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
AS my friend elissa pointed out to me there have been no posts in a while. I've been kinda busy with school and winter. But anyways, enough excuses. Tomorrow I will post the the skating in just edit up here. I'm gonna start working on it anytime here.
go get some good music here people.
go get some good music here people.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Habitat Footwear
Well we now have the most habitat shoes in the U.S. We have many styles in different colors, and multiple sizes. If you come in and we happen to not have your size, we can get it next day style. So come in and check out all the different parts of epicness that is habitat footwear. I'll post the pictures of them to my flickr since the photo feature on here is having a tough time letting me post multiple pictures. enjoy. more edits coming soon! (steve staffan)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Best of Toledo!
Just skateboards won the best skateshop in Toledo award once again from the Toledo City paper. Last night they had the award ceremony at Doc watsons. We had a crew of just homies there to celebrate even though we missed the commercial, Scott and I were still featured in it. We watched it this morning and Scott could not be more hyped. Thanks City paper, and thank all of you for supporting your local shop for all these years! continue to do so!
Best of Toledo 2k9 from Dylan Michael Wise on Vimeo.
Commercial speculation from Lords Frogtown on Vimeo.
Commercial speculation from Lords Frogtown on Vimeo.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
howdy y'all!
some things coming down the pipes. We filmed some stupid stuff at the warehouse over the weekend and i am thinking about either locking the footage away forever, or making a stupid little video. Im' leaning towards the latter. But so another video that i said i was going to make was the burt flatground video. this is a hard process because burt is by far one of the funniest dudes i know so deciding to put all of the joke footage or not in there is kinda difficult. But stay tuned. Justin made a video that i will most likely post on here, and then we will probably b.s. about getting the stickers for at least another month before we actually do. so stay with us this is winter.
Habitat shoes: 1 week
Habitat shoes: 1 week
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
lac of posts
Sorry once again for the lac of all the posts. I finally have figured out the sticker situation. We picked one that wade did and i think i am going to get about 50 made to keep at just and hand out to anyone that asks for one. On the horizon there will be some more videos coming soon. We are trying to get a warehouse trip worked out and a burt flatground video will be coming down the tube soon. I have been pretty busy with school lately so everything won't be as on time as i would like it to be, but anyways...
Habitat shoes still coming, still, now, still, now, still.
Habitat shoes still coming, still, now, still, now, still.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Habitat Footwear
As all of you probably know, habitat is coming out with shoes. The line is super sick and will be available at just. Every style most likely won't be there but the awesome thing about Habitat footwear is that they are gonna be shipping straight from dayton, so, if you want some shoes and we don't have em' you can order them and they could potentially be at the shop overnight. Which is sick. I'm super pumped for these shoes to come out and I am sure that the rest of you will be hyped as well.
Go here to check out the line and team photos. They promise to be some of the sickest shoes around. so get hyped the countdown is on! Feb. 16th.
Go here to check out the line and team photos. They promise to be some of the sickest shoes around. so get hyped the countdown is on! Feb. 16th.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Gibson video round 2
this one is just as sick as the first one. pretty stoked to have gibson contributing all this stuff he is a great video editor. Thanks again gibson!
toledo flashback (part duex) from suit machine on Vimeo.
toledo flashback (part duex) from suit machine on Vimeo.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Gibson videos
Our homie Brian Gibson has been making awesome videos for years. he put together a little video called toledo flashbacks part one. there will most likely be more of these and we will post every one! we have mad love for gibson! thanks dude!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
All right
We have decided on a sticker design and will be getting some in within the next week or two. so stop into just soon and ask for one. since just a few homies are splitting the cost of the stickers there will most likely only be about another 50 for all of you to grab, so hurry and try and get some before they all disappear! There will be another post to let you know when they are coming in but until then enjoy this awesome picture!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
ok ok,
I know that i have been changing the blog header a lot recently, but the one that is gonna stick around for a while is the one that i have up now. Jake did this one for the blog and i'm pretty hyped on it. thanks jake! sticker designs are getting done now so we will look into getting some stickers made. if anyone wants to pitch in for them, hey, i won't stop you.... haha. send some designs of your own to the email. Try and make them fit into the just sticker size, the circle one. Make it happen y'all!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
MORE art!
I'm pretty hyped on all of the fan art that has been coming in! Here is another from my homie Brian Rosinski aka Briro. Thanks dude this one is sick for sure!
new lords of frogtown art
frogger steven finely drew us another piece of art. i tried making it the banner but unfortunately the file size won't work, but i will post it up here for everyone's viewing pleasure. We are also kicking around the idea of getting some stickers made. Wade will most likely draw a few of them and we will vote on some of the final designs. hopefully we can get some made, so check back. i will post some of the drawings and you can cast your two cents in on which one is the best. So comment dudes, comment. the stickers when they are done, will be available at just and you can probably just come in and ask for some. so stay tuned to see which ones are sick.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Mitch... in mono
tyler made a video with me. i don't like that he ripped me off ripping alien workshop off. but anyways, to not be a bad sport here it is anyways.
Mitch mono from Tyler Stabile on Vimeo.
Mitch mono from Tyler Stabile on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
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