Saturday, March 27, 2010


so for the whole 2 of you that are wondering about stickers we are getting some ass soon as the toots puts his ass in gear and emails the dude. Then we will have some stickers up at the shop that you can get for free and sticker up places that are worthy of loft stickers. Also just want to let everyone know that we do have a camera now and will most likely be filming for the justoledo video soon. Burt is down which is awesome. Now that i've dropped burt's name and have you attention we will still be doing iphone videos and some are coming up pretty quick. Check out some of the websites linked to this and let me know if you want a website up there. see you soon...

Mitch lovin'


  1. haha you know it ed, where've you been?

  2. actually that was tyler hah ha but im back now, was keeping my internets to a minimum. definitely still checkin this shit all day every day now tho
